Though Israel as we know it today is a country full of happiness, it is imperative to know that it wasn’t always like that. Previously, Israel has been perceived as many things, both good and bad.
Before Israel was declared an independent state in 1948, It wasn’t known as Israel, it was known as Palestine. Then, the term Palestinian wasn’t just for Arabs, It was used for all the people who lived there. Jews, Druz, Samartinians, Bedouins, Muslims, and Christans who lived there were pegged as Palestinians. Before Israel was given independence, it had gone by many names. Such names are: “Eretz Yisrael”, “Judah” & “Eretz Ha Kodesh”. This is all great, though many people often forget that the Jews lived in the Land of Israel for over 2000 years, and that it is the place of “coming home” for Jewish diaspora all over the world.
Jumping forward to the 21st century, often times during conflicts, Israel is the scapegoat. Israel has learned to protect itself, with an army and government that is incredibly powerful and technologically advanced. Due to anti-semitism and misunderstanding, Israel is often the target of hatred at world events, which causes more tension between Israel and the rest of the world.
To summarize, Israel is a strong country today, though it may not have been in the past. Even if some people don’t agree, it is important to understand all sides of the story. Sometimes Israel gets judged too soon, before the person sees all the amazing aspects of the country. It is essential that we realize that conflicts may arise not from hate, but from misunderstanding.
Despite its limitations and faults, Israel is a thriving country with great inventions, agriculture and society. People need to understand that the future of the world must have Israel in it, for Israel is a country full of innovative and creative people.